Secure Payment makes carrying the safe completion of your payment by PAY, an all-in-one payment platform. You do not pay directly to
With PAY you can pay your orders directly through Bancontact, Credit Card or iDeal. This service is free.
Below is more information about the different options:
Bancontact/Mister Cash & Creditcards
You have the ability to settle. Bancontact / Mister Cash your order First you enter your card details and PIN, then you must agree to the Bancontact / Mister Cash payment on "Validate" button. Do not interrupt the page you will be automatically referred to the following webpage. When the text "Transaction completed" appears, you have paid correctly.
We also offer the opportunity to make the amount. Using an ordinary transfer If you choose this option, you must keep in mind that we get the order book only temporary for you. If we do not receive payment after 3 days, we can not guarantee that the goods will still be available. Keep us informed if you want a faster processing of your order. For example you can email us via an email to contact [at] proof of payment.
Welcome to our northern neighbors who could use their favorite and trusted payment. At we have a lot of Dutch customers, so we are pleased to offer this payment method.
Paypal is currently not available anymore because of the high transaction costs.
The offer and safe handling of your transactions done only under strict safety requirements. A daily PAY network scanned for various security risks.
More information can be found on the website of PAY